Country Name in Spanish

 Country Name in Spanish


There are many small and big countries in this world and more than 190 countries around the world. Every country is known by different names in different languages.In Spanish, the names of all the countries are rightly said in their language and the names of some countries are changed at all.There are many languages, much praised culture and many tricks in the world which are known by different names in different countries.In countries such as Argentina Mexico and Chilli, the way to open Spanish language becomes a bit Italian.

There are the names of only those countries whose name changes in Spanish language. 

Afghanistan = Afghanistán

Antigua and Barbuda = Antigua y Barbuda

Austrian Empire = Imperio  Austriaco

Bahrain = Bahréin

Belorus = Bielorrusia

Belgium = Bélgica

Belize = Belice

Bosnia and Herzegovina = Bosnia y Herzegovina

Brazil = Brasil

Brunswick and Lüneburg = Brunswick y Lüneburg

Burma = Birmania

Cambodia = Camboya

Canada = Canadá

Cayman Island = Islas Caimán

Central American Federation = Federación Centroamericana

Central Africa Republic = Repúblic Centroafricana

Congo Free State = Esto libre de Conga

Croatio = Croacia

Cyprus = Chipre

Czechia = Chequia

Czechoslovakia = Checoslovaquia

Democratic Republic of the Congo = República Democrática del Congo

Denmark = Dinamarca

Dominican Republic = República Dominicana

Duchy de Parma = Ducado de Parma 

East Germany Alemania del Este

Egypt = Egipto

Equatorial Guinea = Guniea Ecuatorial

Ethiopia = Etiopía

German Democratic Republic = República de la democracia

Fiji = Fiyi

Finland = Finlandia

France = Francia

Gabon = Gabón

Germany = Alemania

Grand Duchy of Tuscany = Gran Ducado de Toscana

Greece = Greia

Guyana = Guayana

Haití = Haití

Hanseatic Republics Repúblicas Hanseáticas

Hawaii  = Hawai

Holy see = Santa Sede

Honduras = Hondureños

Hungry = Hungría

Iceland = Islandia 

India = India / Indio

Iraq = Irak 

Ireland = Irlanda 

Italy = Italia 

Japan = Japón 

Jordon = Jordán

Kazakhstan = Kazajstán 

Kenya = Kenia 

Kingdom of Serbia /  Yugoslavia =  Reino de Serbia / Yugoslavia

Korea = Corea 

Kyrgyzstan = Kirguistán

Latvia = Letonia 

Lebanon = Líbano

Lesotho = Lesoto

Libya = Libia 

Lithuania = Lituania

Luxembourg = Luxemburgo

Malaysia = Malasia

Marshall = Islas Marshall

Mauritius = Mauricio

Mecklenburg - Schwerin = Schwerin de Mecklenburg 

Mecklenburg - Strelitz = Strelitz de Mecklenburg

Mexico = México

Moldova = Moldavia

Monaco = Mónaco

Morocco = Marruecos

Netherlands = Países Bajos

New Zealand = Nueva Zelanda

Niger = Níger

North German Confederation = Confederación de Alemania del Norte

North German Union = Unión del Norte de Alemania

North Macedonian = Macedonía Norte

Norway = Noruega 

Oman = Omán 

Orange Free State = Estados libre de Naranja

Pakistan = Pakistán 

Panama = Panamá 

Papal State = Estados Papales 

Papua  New Guniea = Papúa Nueva Guinea 

Peru = Perú 

Philippines = Filipinas 

Piedmont- Sardinia = Piedmont Cerdeña

Poland = Polonia 

Qatar = Katar 

Republic of Genoa = República de Génova

Republic of Korea = República de Corea

Republic of Congo = República del Congo

Romania = Rumanía

Russia = Rusia 

Rwandan = Ruanda

South Korea = Corea del sur 

Saint kitts and Nevis = Saint kitts y Nevis 

Saint Lucia = Santa Lucía

Saints Vincent and the Grenadines = Santos Vicente y las Granadinas

Sao Tome and Principle = Santo Tomé y Principio

Saudi Arabia = Arabia Saudita 

Singapore = Singapur

Slovakia = Eslovaquia

Solomon Islands = Islas Salomón 

South Africa = Sudáfrica 

South Sudan = Sudán del sur 

Spain = España 

Sudan = Sudán 

Sweden = Suecia 

Switzerland = Suiza 

Syria = Siria 

Tajikistan = Tayikistán

Thailand = Tailandia 

Trinidad and Tobago = Trinidad y Tobago 

Tunisia = Túnez 

Turkey =Pavo 

Turkmenistan = Turkmenistán

Two Sicilies = Dos Sicilies

Ukraine = Ucrania 

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics = Unión de Repúblicas socialistas Soviéticas

United Arab Emirates = Emiratos Árabes Unidos

United Kingdom = Reino Unido 

Uzbekistan = Uzbekistán 

Zimbabwe = Zimbabue

Now here are the names of the countries where the Spanish language is mainly spoken. Spain has enslaved many countries and Spanish is spoken in those countries because Spain enslaved it in it. Spanish is the main language mainly spoken in 22 countries.





Costa Rica 


Dominican Republic 


El Salvador 









Puerto Rico 


United States of America






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