List of spanish words that start with h


         Spanish language is not a bit difficult, it is not easy and it is not that difficult either. In this a letter is always silent which always starts with H and words which always start with H that words is always silent.  So today we will understand the agony of these words.H is always involved in Spanish. But H is always silent in Spanish. 

  1. Hastiar = Jaded
  2. Hastío = Weariness
  3. Hebra= Stand 
  4. Herido/a = Injured
  5. Hermético= Airtight
  6. Hilván = Basting 
  7. Hombretón =Big Man 
  8. Hombre de bien = Fine, Upstanding man 
  9. Hombre de confianza = Right hand man 
  10. Hombre de Estado = Statesman 
  11. Hombre del tiempo = Weatherma
  12. Hombre de negocios = Businessesman 
  13. Hombre de paja = Straw man
  14. Huerta = vegetable plot
  15. Hueso = Bone 
  16. Huestes = Hosts 
  17. Humilde = Humble
  18. Huida = Flight 
  19. Huincha = Ribbon 
  20. Hulla = Coal
  21. Hermosa = Beautiful
  22. Hervir = to boil 
  23. Hierba = Grass
  24. Horror = Horror
  25. Hipódromo = Racecourse
  26. Hipermercado = Hypermarket 
  27. Hola= Hello
  28. Hojear = to leaf through
  29. Hungría = Hungry
  30. Hundirse = to sink 
  31. Hueco = space 
  32. Hucha = Money box 
  33. Homenaje = Tribute
  34. Hollín = Soot 
  35. Hecho Fact
  36. Hacia adelante = Forward
  37. Hacia atrás = Backwards 
  38. ¡Hala! = Come on! 
  39. Haba = Broad bean
  40. Hierro = Iron 
  41. Helada = Frost
  42. Hacha = Axe
  43. Hábil = Skilful
  44. Hablar = Talk
  45. Hazaña = Great 
  46. Habitación = Bedroom
  47. Habladurías = Gossip
  48. Hachís = Hash
  49. Higiene = Higiénico
  50. Historia = History
  51. Hora- hombre = Man - hour
  52. Hostiar = Yo belt 
  53. Hoya = River basin
  54. Hoyita = Dimple 
  55. Hoyo = Grave
  56. Hoyo negro = Black Hole
  57. Historieta = Cartoon story
  58. Hora libre = Free period
  59. Hora pico = Rush Hour 
  60. Horas de vuelo = Flying time 
  61. Hora cero = Zero Hour 
  62. Hálito = Breath
  63. Humo = Mood 
  64. Halagüeño/a = Flattering
  65. Hall = Hallway
  66. Hexagonal = Hexagonal
  67. Heterosexual = Heterosexual
  68. Hermanastro/tra = Half brother / half sister 
  69. Herejía= Hersey
  70. Herético/ca =  Heritical
  71. Helio = Helicóptero
  72. Hemática/como  = blood 
  73. Hematíe = Bleed cell 
  74. Hematófago = Blood sucker
  75. Hembra = Female
  76. Hemiciclo = Chamber
  77. Hemeroteca = Newspaper and periodicals library
  78. Hemisferio = Hemisphere
  79. Heptagonal = Heptagonal 
  80. Heráldica = Heraldry
  81. Heraldo = Herald 
  82. Hercio = Hertz
  83. Hegemonía = Dominance
  84. Helado = Ice cream
  85. Helador = Ice cream maker
  86. Helar = Freeze
  87. Hampesco /ca = Criminal
  88. Hamponil = Underworld
  89. Héroe = Hero 
  90. Huraño/ ña = Unsociable
  91. Hoja de cálculo = spreadsheet
  92. Hoja de pedido = order from 
  93. Hoja de ruta = Road map 
  94. Hoja de vida = Resume, curriculum vitae
  95. Hoja de afeitar = Razor blade 
  96. Holgazán = lazy 
  97. Hermano /na  de leche = Person suckled by the same woman as oneself
  98. Hermano /na de sangre = Blood brother/ Blood sister
  99. Hermano gemelo / Hermana gemeloa = Twin brother / Twin sister
100.Hermano político/Hermanoa política = Brother in law / Sister in law. 
There is few spanish H silent words and their meaning. 


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