Taste, smell and flavours in Spanish

                      Taste, smell and flavours


           People all over the world know the taste by different names and in different languages ​​by the flavors and their aroma. People all over the world know the taste and its aroma by different names and in different languages. There are many different types of foods found around the world, each with a distinct taste. In the world, western people like to eat sweet and without chilies. The people of Asia and the Middle East love spicy food and kebabs.

  1. Bitter= Amargo
  2. Delicious=  Deliciosa / Delicioso
  3. Fresh = Fresco / Fresco
  4. Juicy= Jugosa / Jugosa
  5. Cooked= Madura / Maduro
  6. Rotten= Podrida / Podrido
  7. Solty = Salada / Salado
  8. Spicy=  Picante
  9. Stale = Dura
  10. Sour =Agrio/Agria
  11. Streaky= Entreverados
  12. Strong spicy = Picante
  13. Sweet= Dulce
  14. Tasteless= Insípido  
  15. Tasty = Sabrosa / Sabroso 
  16. Thirsty = Sedienta / Sediento 
  17. Fuzzy = Difusa / Difuso  
  18. Hot = Piante 
  19. Icy = Helada / Helado
  20. Melted = Derretida / Derretido
  21. Prickly = Espinosa / Espinoso
  22. Scattered = Dispersa/ Disperso
  23. Slippery = Resbaladiza / Resbaladizo
  24. Smooth = Suave
  25. Soft = Suave
  26. Solid = Sólida / Sólido
  27. Tender =Tierna / Tierno
  28. Drunk  = Borracho
  29. Eye irritation = Irritación de ojo
  30. Smell = El olor 

There are many types of aromatic things in nature which are naturally produced by themselves.And apart from this, there are many man-made objects that leave a good smell,“smell” denotes related sentences in Spanish as follows.

This lemon is very fresh and has a very nice fragrance coming from it.
Este limón es muy fresco y tiene una fragancia muy agradable.

This mango is slightly ripe and smells of sourness.
Este mango está ligeramente maduro y huele a acidez.

The water of this lake in Mexico has been very salty and it feels like salt to drink.
El agua de este lago en México ha sido muy salada y se siente como sal para beber.

This food has become rancid and it looks like rotten omelet.
Esta comida se ha vuelto rancia y parece una tortilla podrida.

Bread becomes very fluffy after heating.
El pan se vuelve muy esponjoso después de calentarlo.

Chicken test is less cooked and salt and pepper are less in it.
La prueba de pollo está menos cocida y la sal y la pimienta contienen menos.

The marigold flower fair has gotten dirtier.
La feria de flores de caléndula se ha vuelto más sucia.

This tree smells like cardamom.
Este árbol huele a cardamomo.

It is crisp and sour sweet like corn kernels.
Es crujiente y agridulce como los granos de maíz.

There is a foul smell from the city drain. 
Hay un olor desagradable del desagüe de la ciudad.

It is 100 years old paper and it still smells of soil.
Es papel de 100 años y todavía huele a tierra.

Honey smell from the bees.
Olor a miel de las abejas.

She had red lipstick on her lips and smelled like roses.
Tenía lápiz labial rojo en los labios y olía a rosas.

Such flowers smell like wine.
Tales flores huelen a vino.

The scent on Fossil smell like petrol.
El olor de Fossil huele a gasolina.

Snakes live on top of sandalwood because they are attracted to its smell.
Las serpientes viven encima del sándalo porque se sienten atraídas por su olor.
The ice cream was so cold that it started to tingle in the teeth.
El helado estaba tan frío que empezó a hormiguear en los dientes.

After the flower withers, the fragrance goes away from it.
Después de que la flor se marchita, la fragancia desaparece. 

The garbage smells bad.
La basura huele mal.

Royal perfume were being used for the prince.
Se estaba usando perfume real para el príncipe.

The princess likes the smell of mint and the juice of flowers in hot water.
A la princesa le gusta el olor a menta y el jugo de las flores en agua caliente.

Women like to wear scented clothes.
A las mujeres les gusta usar ropa perfumada.

Garbage stinks because of the rain.
La basura huele mal por la lluvia.

Cigarette smoking gives bad breath to a person's mouth.
Fumar cigarrillos da mal aliento a la boca de una persona.

Animal feces also stink. 
Las heces de los animales también apestan.

There are different types of food in the world and they have their own taste and smell.  The aroma of food plays an important role in the taste of food.
This kebab is very tasty. The smell of this kebab is amazing.
Este kebab es muy sabroso.El olor de este kebab es increíble.   

Ice cream is quite frozen and cold.
El Helado Esta Bastante Congelado y Frío.

This pasta is very nice and spicy.
Esta pasta es muy agradable y picante.

I ate a variety of food platters from all over the world, but I find the Mexican platter the most delicious.
Comi varios platos de comida de todo el mundo, pero creo que el plato mexicano es el mas delicioso.

The taste of coconut water is quite creamy.
El sabor del agua de coco es bastante cremoso.

Mint Mojito is a very nice flavor.
Mint Mojito es un sabor muy agradable.

Its taste is like a grain of corn.
Su sabor es como granos de maíz.

To cook the chicken, roast it in the tandoor for a long time.
Para cocinar el pollo, asarlo en el tandoor durante mucho tiempo.

It is necessary to have pickle in the dishes because its taste is sour.
Es necesario tener encurtidos en los platos porque su sabor es agrio. 

I like less salt in food.
Me gusta menos sal en la comida.



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