Gender of a noun in spanish language

If we talk about the English language, there is no gender with the noun, but it does not occur in Spanish.  Here is a gender with each noun that it... like that, So similarly we get confuse about which gender comes with which name, so here are some example so that you can see what kind of gender is attached to the name.

Gender of a noun in spanish

A pen = Una pluma

A desk = Un escritrorio

A box = Una caja 

A bed = Una cama 

A table = Una mesa

A book =  Una libro

A chair = Una silla 

A cat = Un galo 

A dog = Un perro

The garbage = La basura 

A painting = Una pintura

A  clock = Un reloj 

A calendar = Un calendario

A plant = Una planta

A flower = Una flor

A candle = Una vela

The shoes = Los zapatos 

A leaf = Una hoja 

A cow = Una vaca 

A cake = Un pastel 

A pie = Una tarta 

A ship =  El barco 

A rainbow = Un erco iris

A door = Una puerta 

A window = Una ventana 

A computer = Un ordenador 

A train = La tren 

A house = Una casa 

A car = Un casa 

A building = Un edificio 

A church = Una iglesia 

An unbrella = Un paraguas 

A persent = Un regalo 

The binoculars = Los binoculares 

A guitar = Una guitarra 

A camera = Una cámara 

A sofa = Un sofá 

A lamp = Una lámpara 

A bird = Un pájaro 

A tree = Un árbol 

The television = La televisión 

A sing = Una señal 

These are noun with gender you can easily understand every noun has a gender in spainsh.




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