Musical Instruments in spanish

Instrumento musical


Music is an integral part of our life. There is a different style of playing music in every country. 

The most famous music instrument in Spain “Flamenco Guitar” whose tune is heavily propitious. 

Here are some very important music instruments that are played all over the world and their names are given in both English and Spanish languages.

A piano = Un piano 

A maracas = Un maracas 

A xylotone = Un xilótono 

A congo = Un congo 

A bass drum = Un bombo 

A harp = Una arpa / un arpa 

A share drun = Uno parte borracha 

Drums = Tambor 

A banjo = Un banjo 

A double dass = Un cantrabajo 

A cello = Un cello 

A violin = Un violín 

Musical notes = Notas musicales 

A trombone = Un trombón 

A saxophone = Un saxofón

A trumpet = Una trompeta 

A tuba = Una tuba 

A french horn = Una trompa 

The recorder = El grabador   

A clarinet = Un clarinete 

A microphone = Un micrófono 

Records = Registros 

A Bell = Una campana 

A harmonica = Una armonica 

An accordian = Un acordeón 

A guitar = Una guitarra 

A bass guitar = Un bajo 

Here are some  music instrument words and some of their Sentences which have been added to the Spanish language. Which will help you to learn this language and Will be helpful for you in the Grammar of  Spainsh.

Ella es mejor tocar la armónica.
She is best play on harmonica. 

Tienes que trabajar duro con el saxofón.
You have to work hard on the saxophone. 

El viejo toca muy bien la trompeta.
The old man play trumpet very well. 

Notas musicales muy importantes para aprender música.
Music notes very important for learning music. 

No le gusta tocar el banjo. 
He does not like play banjo. 

Ganó el premio por jugar el Congo.
He won the award for playing the Congo.

Aprende a tocar la batería en su universidad.
He learns to play drums in his college.

Esta vez sonará un violín en Navidad.
This time a violin will ring at Christmas. 

David le quitó la guitarra a su amigo. 
David took the guitar from his friend. 

Nicola toca muy bien el piano.
Nicola plays the piano very well. 



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