Spanish compound words separated by hyphen

Spanish Compounds words


           In any language we use sometimes compound words.Hyphen is sometimes helpful in separating these compound words.The words written in Hyphen appear first.

Alquiler de casa= House-rent

tarifa de tren = Train - fare

copa del árbol = Tree - top

Funda de almohada = Pillow - cover

Jardín de flores = Flower - garden

Flores de papel = Paper - flowers

Sala de lectura = Reading - room

Vagón restaurante = Dining - car 

Durmiendo - entrenador = Sleeping - coach

Anillo de oro = Gold ring

Billete de autobús = Bus fare 

Taza de té = Tea cup

Patio de recreo = Playground

Casa de cristal = Glass house

Sábanas = Bed sheets

These are some different kind of compound words. We always use those words in daily life. 

Bueno y malo = Good and Bad 

Los ricos y los pobres = The rich and poor

Ingresos y gastos = Income and expenditure

Comida y ropa = Comida y ropa 

Cielo y tierra = Heaven and earth

Día y noche = Day and night

Arroz y legumbres = Rice and pulse

Méritos y deméritos = Merits and Demerits

Hermano y hermana = Brother and sister 

Hambre y sed = Hunger and thirst

Encuentro y despedida =Meeting and parting

Vida y muerte = Life and death

Padre y madre = Father and mother

Dios y Diosa = God and Goddess

El grande y el pequeño = The great and the small

Virtud y vicio = Virtue and vice

Dolor y placer = Pain and pleasure

Tierra y agua = Land and water

Hombres y dinero = Men and money

Mañana y tarde = Morning and evening

Hombre y mujer = Man and woman

Pluma y papel = Pen and paper

Tierra y mar = Land and ocean

Pan y mantequilla = Bread and butter

Aves y bestias = Birds and beasts



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